100% Solar Powered Hotel

Electricity Rates on the Rise

Electricity Rates in Costa Rica   Now is the time to purchase your new solar energy system from Pura Vida Energy Systems!! Don’t be fooled by ups and downs in electricity rates! Heavy rains have contributed to lower rates because the hydro plants are generating most of the energy needed by consumers. However, the fossil […]
Entry Aerial

Solar Energy as an Investment

10% to 20% ROI in just 15 Years! A grid-tied solar energy system in Costa Rica is one of the best long-term investments around. Our systems are guaranteed by the manufacturers for 25 years.  Even at today’s rates for electricity our 10 kW systems offer customers of I.C.E. an average annual yield of 12% for each of […]
South Carport

Cost Vs. Value

Initial Cost Vs. Value in a Solar Energy Investment  Premium solar energy systems cost around 10% more than bargain systems, so why should you pay the higher cost? Here are four simple reasons: 1) Quality solar panels with dependable warranties. Cheap solar panels come with 25 year warranties, but will the company be around in just […]
17 Story Tower in Jaco

Warranty is Everything

Quality Solar Panels in Costa Rica! Pura Vida Energy Systems sells only the highest quality Tier 1 solar panels with a 25 year warranty that is guaranteed by third party insurance.  This insurance means that if the manufacturer goes out of business the pre-paid insurance policy will reimburse you for the value of the panels […]
Built to Last

Compare Our Prices

Solar Energy Costa Rica No other company in Costa Rica sells higher quality at lower prices, so we encourage you to get quotes from other suppliers.  We sell our 10 kilowatt grid tied systems for around $30,000 installed.  Our competitors may sell the same size system for similar prices, but they use equipment that doesn’t […]
Got Trees? No Problem!

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Grid Tied Solar in Costa Rica A lot of people think that going “off-grid” is a good way to “go green”.  In much of the world that is true. In the United States, for example, almost all of the electricity available from the national grid is produced by burning fossil fuels. If you use that […]
Built to Last

Added Home Value

The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development established the standard for appraising the value of a photovoltaic system as the value of the electricity generated each year multiplied by 20 years.  Because electricity rates are relatively high in Costa Rica a standard 10 killowatt system that costs about $27,000 would add about $131,000, in […]
No job too tall!

Solar Saves Money!

Click here for Slideshow! Why should you use solar energy in Costa Rica?  Current tier two rates (including taxes) from ICE are $0.31 USD per kilowatt hour (as of October, 2013).  At these rates a new 10 kilowatt solar system will pay for itself in about 5 years.  Historically electricity rates in Costa Rica have […]